

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's A....

It's a... DINOSAUR!!! Just kidding. For those of you who don't know, we are expecting our first child. A couple of weeks ago at preschool we had a mom come in and talk to our children about "baby doctors" and she brought in her doppler so the kids could hear the baby's heartbeat. They listened to one of our other teacher's baby's heartbeat, and then they tried to listen to mine. She had a really hard time finding it, and then all the kids heard a growling kind of sound. One of our boys stood up and said, "Miss Heather isn't having a baby. She's having a dinosaur!" We then went to the doctor to find out what our baby really is. We are really having a GIRL and we are so excited about it! Her name will be Alexis Grace Hudson. She is due August 30th, and yes, have I mentioned we are excited? Hopefully we will be a lot better updating our blog within the upcoming months!


  1. Yay! Welcome back to the blogging world, hope all is well!

  2. Heather!!! Congratulations! I am so so so excited for you :) your blog is super cute by the way!

  3. which child is this exactly?? that made the dino comment?? hah

  4. I wish I had known you had a blog. And that you were going to be a momma. Obviously, we have done a crap job at keeping in touch! Love you, girlie!

  5. Thanks everyone! Shannon- it was Jordan who told me I was having a dino. Chessie, I'm so so glad you found it. We need to be better at the keeping in touch game!
