

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lessons Learned

It takes becoming a mom to truely appreciate your own.

When you need a burp cloth a blanket will be the only thing around. And vice versa.

A smile is worth a thousand words.

There are never 24 hours in a day, sometimes there are 36 and others only 3.

"Mom" is not a title, a job, or a name. It's a way of life.

Elizabeth Taylor can keep her diamonds, it's the macaroni necklaces I'm looking forward too.

Laundry is never "done".

Money and happiness are completely unrelated.

Baby kisses are worth more than all the money in the world.

"Shopping" is a chore, not a recreational activity.

Babies don't care what size your pants are, just how big your smile can get.

"Cleanliness is next to Godliness" is bolony. Parenthood is much closer, and a parent's house is never entirely clean.

No matter how long you wait, the dish fairy will never come. The smell however, never fails to show up.

Teenage boys are scary. I've changed my opinion on owning a shotgun.

No one will ever see the state of your bathroom cupboards. If the nail polish is in with the tampons it'll be ok.

God knew what He was doing when He created families, Grandmas are indispensible.

Advice is not law, everyone has thier own opinion. And when you have a newborn you get more advice than you ever thought possible.

A crying child is not a dying child, sometimes they're learning to sing.

Hormones hurt.

The best moments in life are not spent on beaches in Maui at sunset. They are snuggled up in bed with baby and daddy on a sleepy saturday morning listening to the rain.

Showering at 9:00 pm still counts as getting a shower that day.

You'll never know how strong you are until you're pushed past where you thought your limits where.

It's only been five months but already I have learned more and grown more than I expected. I love being a mom more and more each day and I can't wait for each new day and each new mess, smile, headache and giggle and laugh.

(ok, I lied a little about the headaches. I can wait.)

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